Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blog About Twitter

Each discussion invokes a different feel. Whether it's the sharing of ideas or information, the way discussions are developed and carried out are all different. Twitter discussions are limited. Users are only able to create a tweet of up to 140 characters. This limits the user's creativity range as well and makes them keep their ideas short and simple. The limit may make the user's tweets appear casual as well since it's a more personal platform.

Unlike Twitter, BlackBoard discussions don't have a character limit. One is able to express their ideas in as many characters as they want. However, BlackBoard discussions are more formal since it's classroom-based and is shared with people of your class as well as the professor. This has its advantages, however. Discussions on BlackBoard foster more education-based responses and collaborations between groups.

Although both of these forms of communications have their pros, the one disadvantage they both have is that the face-to-face interaction is missing. In-class discussions allow people to show emotion while they're speaking. This creates more depth to what the speaker is saying and is easier to empathize with them. In-class discussions are usually also casual as well. Comments by other people in the class may also lead to tangents as well as create a stronger personal bond between everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Veronica! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the differences of each discussion platform. I agree that Blackboard is more formal because it is shared with the professor and that in-class discussions are more casual and also allow for people to share their emotions. On the other hand, I agree and disagree with your statement that Twitter limits creativity. I believe that people are limited in creativity since they are not allowed to expand on their thoughts but at the same time I think the character limit can be very effective because people have to be more creative in trying to get their point across in a short sentence!


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